Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fifth Chapter

He said forever and he'd never let her down, but did that mean that he had to hold her up when she's on the verge of destroying everything he built?  Did it mean that he'd have to carry her burden, their burden again - this time at her hand?  

Jon spent the afternoon in meetings with record company executives and tour planners.  Bon Jovi, finishing up their 12th album are starting to plan a world tour.  Stage designs are being forged, album art being decided, all while they're still trying to decide song arrangements.  

Jon was physically present in the meetings, but his mind, his thoughts took him else where.  The mental images of his thoughts pulled him even farther out.  He's been consumed, almost mesmerized with the thought of Tate Anderson.  The way she smelled, even in the backseat of the cab.  He can hear her laugh and the way she looked at, even doted after Jaxson.  She was very attentive to his needs, while she maintained conversation and composure with Romeo and Jon.  Jon can't help but smile when he thinks back to that short cab ride they shared.  Jaxson and Romeo talked Call of Duty talk and behaved the way young boys do.  That made Jon ooze daddy happiness.

He's convinced himself that he needs to find her.  He's just not sure why he needs to.  He's a married man, with four kids.  Up until recently he had been happy.  But he's learned that happiness comes at a cost.  And if Tate proves to be all that he thinks she could be, it just might be a cost he's willing to pay.  She's beautiful, classy yet rugged and knowing that she's just down the road from him, we'll, that's the thought he keeps going back to.  She's so close, and he knows very little about her.  Hell, all he knows about her is her son goes to Poly Prep and she's an interior designer.  That's all that he knows.


Patterns aren't blending and her design ideas aren't coming together like they did on her design boards.  She's getting frustrated, almost to the point of crying.  "Alright, what's going on?" Asks her partner and best friend Alex, "What has you so preoccupied?" 

"It's nothing." Tate quickly dismisses the questions.  "Really, nothing."

"Bullshit, you just laid paisley over plaid, something is wrong."  

Tate kind of laughs, "It's nothing really.  I just met this guy the other day and I haven't been able to get him out of my head."

"OH REALLY!  Do tell.  Why have you kept this a secret?" Snaps Alex, resting his hands on hips.  ""You never even said boo about this.  Tell me about....wait, why didn't you tell me you met someome?"

Tate gets up from floor, her feet tingly from lack of circulation.  As she shakes her leg, aiding the circulation, "I didn't tell you because of who he is"

"What does that mean, who he is?  Is it someone I know?" His curiosity raising, "Who is it Tay?"

Her blushing starts the same time her smile does, "Jon Bon Jovi and I shared a cab the other day, and oh my God Alex, I would have rode in that cab all day with him!"

"Jon Bon Jovi of Bon Jovi?  Tate, he's gorgeous."

"I know, and I have been able to him out of my head."

"What we're you doing in a cab with him anyway?"  He arches an eyebrow, tilting his head.

Tate goes the the counter and starts flipping through swatches, again.  She has less than 2 weeks to finish this huge project.  She can't let Alex see that this chance meeting has her all confused and distracted.  She turns to look at her loyal side kick, "He has a son that goes to Poly.  Met him while I was there picking up Jaxson."

That confuses Alex, "Why did you pick up Jaxson?"

Quickly Tate admitted, "Samantha was running behind and asked that I grab him."

"He's not yours, or your problem Tate."

" I love him as much as if he were my own."

Alex is getting irritated, "He is yours, he just doesn't know it, but if you spend too much time with him, specially now, maybe he'll pick up on it."

"She needed me to get him, it was no problem!"  Tate defends herself.  "And he's not mine Alex."  

"Your egg, your baby."  Alex couldn't understand the act of selflessness, being as self absorbed as he is.  His mind was blown when Tate agreed to help her sister Samantha become a mother.  

"I'm better as his aunt.  And that's what it will always be.  Now help me lay these out.  I'm running out of time, the clock is ticking."

Alex laughs, "You got this girlfriend."  Alex gives her a hip shake and a snap.  "Lay those paisley prints over the stripes.  That will pop."

"Stripes and paisley, you think?"

Alex nods and Tate gives it a go.  She likes it, as she stands back she crosses her arms and smiles.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fourth Chapter

"This is what you bring me?"  Jon asks his trusted head of security, unable to hide the fact that he's unhappy with his findings.  

Friday, October 14, 2016

Third Chapter

Once the adrenaline subsided and Tate was able to get her wits about her, she looked at the watch on her right wrist and realized that she needed to get to Brooklyn, her day had passed by so quickly, she lost all track of time.  

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Second Chapter

"Do it again."  He blurts from the sound booth.  "Let's start over from the top."  He commands with irritation in his voice.  

Sunday, October 9, 2016

First Chapter

"Taxi, taxi!"  she yells as she skips toward the street, poketbook over her shoulder and her laptop case in hand.  "Sam, I'll call ya back, I gotta get this cab."  She presses end on her phone and then drops it into the opening of her pocket book.  "TAXI!" she screams at the many yellow objects coming her way.