Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fourth Chapter

"This is what you bring me?"  Jon asks his trusted head of security, unable to hide the fact that he's unhappy with his findings.  

"An atricle on the internet is all that you could find?  Jesus Christ, I could have found that myself."  He tosses the article on the table and takes a gulp of his drink.  "Romeo could have found that."  Again, unable to hide his disgust.

"There isn't anything on a Tate Anderson in New York, Jon.  Do you want me to make shit up?"  Jons security head, whom he's had for over 15 years was unable to find any information on the woman that Jon just met a few days ago.  "You told me she has a son that goes to Poly Prep, there is no Jaxzon Anderson that goes to Poly Prep.  There are a few Jaxson's, but none of them are an Anderson."
"Maybe he has a different last name, did you look into the Jaxson's?"  Jon stands, his attention focused out the window, "Did you check to see if any of them have Tate Anderson listed as a contact?  Did you look at every possibe lead to tell me who she is?"

"Yes.  She's almost non existant, other than that article about her graduating NYU at the top of her class."  Steve's eyes follow Jon to the window. "Why do you want to know about her?  Who is she?"

"That's what I'm paying you for, to tell me who she is."  he snaps back at the guy, irritated that he can't pull this small task off.  

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Don't concern yourself with that.  Just find out all that you can about her."  Jon reiterates walking back to the table, retrieveing his phone, keys and wallet.  "When you have something more, call me." 

As Jon leaves the office of his security firm he can't help but wonder who this woman is.  Why is there nothing about her on the internet.  Everybody is on the internet, whether they anted to be on it or not.   

Inside is car, he voice activates his phone.  "Call Steve."  he commands.  The car, syncing with his bluetooth calls Steve.   

"Yeah?!" the pissed off hired hand answers, knowing that it's Jon.

"Listen, I'm sorry that I went off on you like that.  I was out of line."

"It's fine Jon.  I'll dig deeper."

"I know you will, and I appreciate that.  But remember, no one can know about this." Jon reminds him, merging into traffic, unable to get the thought of her out of his mind.  

"Have I ever been anything but discreet?"  Steve has been Jon's trusted advisor and security through many of the bands harder times.  He's always behind the scenes and has several secrets that he'll take to his grave.  He is one of the few that Jon trusts.  His discretion is bought and paid for, and even if it wasn't - he'd never betray Jon.  He thought of Jon as a friend and csn understand his need for privacy.  
A scandal is the last thing that Jon needs and something his career may not survive.
"I'll give you a call when I find something.  I'll go back to Poly tomorrow and see if I can get some info from that sweet little thing that works the attendance office."

"Whatever.  However you find out info, just shoot me a text and I'll call you as soon as I can."  Jon knows that he has no business trying to find anything out about this mysterious woman, he has no business getting into her business - he has enough business of his own to worry about.  

"Will do."  Steve affirms, "I'll text you as soon as I know something new."

Jon presses the button on the steering wheel, ending the call that he felt compelled to make.  His thoughts keep going back to Tate.  He's been replaying their meeting and their cab ride together over and over in his head.  He's run through all of his memories from Poly Prep over and over and can't recall ever seeing her before.  
He's sure that he would remember her. Her blonde hair, her perfect skin and her infectious smile - he'd remember all of that.
Jon drives home, parking the car in the garage up the street.  As he walks down the street toward his building, his phone vibrates in his back pocket.  He takes it out and sees it's text from Steve.  He opens it and reads it.  She was just on the news.  She's redesigning the Marshall Mansion.  That's all the text said and that's all that Jon needed to know.  He deletes the text as he presses the up button on the elevator.  His smile so intense, it almost hurts.  He knows how to find her now, he knows it's just a a matter of time.

When the penthouse elevator opens into Jon's home, he's greeted with "Where in the hell have you been?"  There stands Dorothea, hand on hip with serious attitude.  "I'm late.  Where have you been?"  

He steps off the elevator, "You're late for what?"

"Yoga." she blurts back at him, grabbing her mat and bag from next to the door.  "Kids are upstairs, I'll be back later."  She presses the down button with anger.

"And I knew about this?" he retorts with sarcasm.

"It's on the schedule and so is the fact that Mallory is off today, Jon." she responds, her irritation mounting.  Mallory, the live in nanny/housekeeper has the day off to attend a funeral in Pennsylvania, leaving the Bongiovi's to fend for themselves.  

As the elevator door opens and she steps on it, he starts to walk away, "Tell him I said hi."