Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ninth Chapter

A week goes by before Tate hears from Jon again.  Their communication slowed to emails and messengers.  

The collaboration between them was well underway and the fundraiser just a couple of weeks away.

Tate is busy finishing up the Marshall project, having to deal with their last minute changes and additions.  When she signed on with the Marshall's, she had no idea what she was getting into.  The two week project ended up being over over a  month, with a budget that has no cap.  She's running around the apartment with Chris Marshall, taking notes on what he wants done and undone.  She's at her wits end, wanting this project to be over.  She needs to put a period on this project and move on.  

"How soon do you want these changes and additions done?"  She asks, looking over the glasses she wears, with no need, for accessory.

Chris puts his hand on her shoulder, "It can wait until after your fundraiser."

She's mortified.  How did he know about that?  No one knew about that commitment except Jon and his people. "I signed on with you first, Mr. Marshall.  You're my priority."

"Jon has expressed how badly he needs you to pull his fundraiser off.  We can wait a little while longer."


"Really Tate, it's okay.  The wife and I are taking the kids to Cancun, there's plenty of time."

"Are you sure?"  She asks, tucking her in pen into her portfolio.  Feeling a slight relief from the pressure she's put on herself.  "I can pull out from the fundraiser."

"No." He chuckles, "There's no need for that.  We decided last minute to take this trip, so it will be fine for you to help Jon."

"How did you hear about this fundraiser?"  Tate has to know.  She never thought her agreeing to it would need to be, or ever be public knowledge before hand.

"Jon and I go way back.  Our wives are friends.  We had dinner last week and he was telling me about it."

All she could hear was WE.  "You had dinner with Jon and his wife?" She can't stop herself from asking.  She was told their marriage was over.

"Oh no." He gives her a look.  "He's getting a divorce..."  The way he ended the sentence sounds like he's telling her something she didn't already.  He ends it with a look on his face that shows surprise that maybe she didn't know.

Tate reaches her bag and starts to tuck her portfolio into it.  She doesn't want to hear the gossip or even be involved in it, so she changes the subject.  "When are you and Mrs. Marshall leaving for Cancun?"

"Day after tomorrow."  He flatly states and then asks, "What's going on with you and Jon?"

Tate stands straight up and quickly turns to face him, "Excuse me?"

Chris takes a seat on the arm of one of the chairs in the foyer and softly smiles at Tate.  "He's told me you've been out?" 

Tate's stomach starts to knot and her palms start to sweat.  "He told you what?"  Her bag slides to the floor, the strap still in her hand.  She cannot believe what she's just heard.  

Chris folds his arm across his chest, "He just said you had drinks a Von a while back."

She quick to offer, "Just to discuss the fundraiser."

"Von is not a place people go to talk business."  He explains to her, "dark seedy places like that...that's not where business is done."

Hicking her bag over her shoulder, feeling very small and a little betrayed, Tate grabs her leather jacket off the hook, "Well, that's all it was.  I'm not sure what he's told you, but that's it."  She can feel herself getting angry, not sure why she feels the need to explain herself to her employer.  "Will there be anything else, Mr. Marshall?"

"Relax Tate.  He likes you.  He'd like to get to know you."  Chris stands and takes a few steps toward her.  "Don't be surprised if he keeps finding projects for you to do."

Tate stops as she reaches for the elevator button.  "I'm sorry Mr. Marshall, but this isn't a discussion that I should be having with you."  She presses the down button.  

"I'm not trying to pry Tate, I'm sorry if I crossed a line."

She faces the elevator doors, "It's not you that crossed a line."  She's mad.  She's a little hurt and she feesl a tad bit slighted.  She doesn't like being caught off guard and she really doesn't like people knowing her business.  

"Don't be mad at Jon.  Him telling me about Von wasn't gossip, we were just having a conversation."

"And I somehow came into your conversation?" she has sarcasm masked with anger coming from her mouth.  

The elevator door opened and she stepped on.  Turning around, she faces Chris and assures him, "The changes will be made before you return from Cancun."

All he can do is smile.  The doors close and the angry Tate is on her way home.